The Early Care and Education Division promotes high quality early care and education for all children birth to age 5 that includes a stable, well-prepared and well-compensated workforce; safe and stimulating learning environments for young children; and a cross-disciplinary approach to early care and education training. The following tenets were adopted as a set of guiding principles to support and promote high quality experiences for young children and their families and the ECE workforce who work on their behalf.
ECE Tenets
- Children’s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development are closely related
- Children develop and thrive best in a safe and stimulating learning environment/community
- ECE environments must have:
-Have well trained and a well compensated workforce
-Use cross-disciplinary training approaches
-Provide culturally responsive programs and services
-Use Reflective Practice (Relationship-based approach)
First 5 Alameda County provides a wide range of ECE programs to support these guiding principles including:
- Formal Professional Development Programs
- Informal Training and Educational Opportunities
- Higher Education Initiatives
- Funding, Technical Assistance and Consultation to improve the quality of child care facilities
- Peer Learning Opportunities, e.g., Cohorts, Networks and Support Groups
- Promotion of ECE Community Policies